150mm-long-flat-side-bodied minnow, OZBOZ150, is designed to catch many targets;
Seabass, Yellow tail, Black Bass, and others. In its body, 1.5mm-heavy-duty-hard wire
connecting hooks and lines is loaded to be tough enough to fight with monster predators.
OZBOZ150 even pulls out the cruising fish from wide areas and ranges.
Mokka is used in shallower water.
OZBOZ150 Mokka dives 40cm at maximum below the water surface and works great especially in shallows such as river, tideland, shallower area in lakes, and so on.
The action a ttracting big fishes is a combination of wobbling and rolling making intenseflashing.
OZBOZ150 Floating Model covers shallow and midrange between 50cm to 100cm.
It drives big fishes in shallow water crazy when using stop and dive tactics involving intense flashing.